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Is a Birth Zone Retreat for you?

Deciding on which antenatal birth preparation classes to invest your time and money into can be a difficult task.

This is especially true if you are new to Dubai, or don't yet have any friends who have had a baby in the UAE to ask for recommendations.

We understand that some people have a limited period of maternity leave, so they would rather not need to take time off from work every week to attend a class.

The aim of Birth Zone pampering prenatal retreats is to help our participants to find links in the community, so that they can identify and access services and support that are relevant to them.

Our retreats are suitable for any stage of a healthy pregnancy, the optimum period being between 12 and 38 weeks. The earlier you come, the longer you will have to benefit from the reassurance and knowledge that you will receive.

If you are feeling anxious or unsure about any aspect of your pregnancy or the birth itself, our program will help to focus your attention and put you in touch with a range of local specialists.

If your husband or birth partner is feeling the pressure of society's high expectations and wishes to feel more prepared and confident about their role, joining us on the retreat for one day will give them a good overview and offer you both an opportunty to communicate your needs and wishes.

Book a place for you and your birth partner on the first retreat of its kind in Dubai, on September 18th 2014 by clicking HERE.

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